A contemporary take on the unconscious is one that establishes relationships between images, imagination, language, desire and lacks. Subjectivity is interrogated in a realm of repressed memories and traumatic experiences, but how do these terms become manifest in the physical territories of architecture and space? What are the roles of the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real within the language of design and construction?
Taking the Berlin Wall as the object of desire for this exploration, a methodology will be derived under which the Wall undergoes psychoanalytic therapy and eventual treatment.
By means of transference, the analysand should unveil crucial elements of its past that help establish a logic for treatment; constructing what its Real value imposes, but is unable to communicate. Objet petit a turns into an example of analytical architecture that becomes adaptable, and which can be applied to any other case in need of treatment.
Location Berlin, Germany
Supporters Cornell University Special Traveling Fellowship